All Costs Count: Exploring the Cost of Downtime

Whether it’s a mechanical problem or an accident, a fleet will inevitably incur downtime. Even with a highly responsive rescue or emergency management programs, there is definitely a cost associated with when drivers aren’t driving. Downtime costs are important factors in running a fleet. Determining how much they are begins with knowing what the component costs are, and developing a […]

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Application of Visual Search and Space Management in Truck Driving

A good truck driver respects his environment. Proactive reasoning and alertness to the minutest movement in and around the environment are factors that come into play when determining the skill level of the driver. Today, we present you a short video that explains how to maximise visual search and space management in truck driving. Please watch, learn and actionize. You […]

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The rig jackknifes when the drive axle brakes lock up. From the Feature Picture: Figure 1. If you lock the steering axle brakes, the rig will move straight ahead regardless of the wheel angle. Figure 2. If you lock the drive axles, the rig will jackknife. Figure 3. If you lock the trailer axles, you will get trailer swing. Case […]

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Trucking is a very dangerous profession. In the US where ample data abounds, record has it that over 800 drivers die each year in highway accidents. In Nigeria, the fatalities would be expectedly much higher. On the average, you hear of at least 5 accidents every other week and this number is just for those that made it to the […]

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Pre-Trip Inspection: Animated Version

As a Fleet Operator or truck driver, you are required to perform daily inspections of your truck. A pre-trip inspection could save the driver a whole lot of trouble down the road. In continuation of several other video presentations that we have brought across your way towards instilling a deep appreciation for this very important aspect of haulage operations, today […]

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Coping with Driving in the Dark

For a professional truck driver, night driving may probably qualify as one of the professional hazards that come with the turf. In a developing environment like ours where our roads are practically covered in a thick blanket of darkness the moment the sun recedes into the horizon, the hazard could most likely present a clear and present danger to haulage […]

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Heavy Truck Braking System

To complement our recent posts that focused comprehensively on the issue of brake failure in trucks with a view to curbing the increasing carnage on our roads, we bring  you a video presentation on handling heavy truck braking system. Please watch, learn, take action and safe lives!

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Carnage on Our Roads: Understanding WHY Truck Brakes Fail and WHAT to Do to Curb It. (Part Four)

Inspecting Combination Vehicles – Truck & Trailers A truck and trailer combination has more things to inspect than a single vehicle. Check the following during a walk-around inspection of a truck and trailer combination in addition to the items described above for the truck alone: Check the coupling system areas: Check the air and electric lines to the trailer. Be […]

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Carnage on Our Roads: Understanding WHY Truck Brakes Fail and WHAT to Do to Curb It. (Part Three)

GUIDING AGAINST BRAKE FAILURE Managing Truck, Trailer and Load Control your speed whether fully loaded or empty. Empty, large combination vehicles take longer to stop than fully loaded ones. A truck with a trailer is usually heavier, larger, and requires more driving skill than a truck by itself. Thus, drivers required to tow a trailer need more knowledge and skill […]

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